It’s all in the science.

Natuverex™ Copper fabrics are made using a patented yarn that has a strength factor superior to other copper yarn options. The yarn is treated in a continous immersion process which coats the yarn evenly and thoroughly with copper fragments that become embedded into the surface of the yarn.

Natuverex™ Copper fabrics are knitted with a minimum of 30% patented copper yarn, which research has shown is the needed amount of copper to positively influence the health of the sleeper.

  • The copper ions from the fabric panel, have been tested, and can transfer through up to 4 layers of bedding to the sleeper, where they are absorbed thru the skin.

  • The yarn has been tested through over 100 home launderings with NO loss of efficacy.

As Published….

Published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Basic Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology August 2022

  • Research demonstrates a correlation between contact with a Natuverex™ Copper fabric and a reduction in weight gain as well as improved insulin sensitivity.

  • Read the full article HERE

Published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal PLOS ONE September 2023

  • Reveals that “copper infused fabrics can prevent inflammation by blocking the production of inflammatory cytokines from macrophages after being exposed to LPS, a component of bacterial cell wall.”

  • Read the full article HERE